I do plan on keeping the blog active, although I've been mulling some changes to it for a while. I enjoy writing about red meat related issues since I know more about them and enjoy them more than most other foods. However, I've found it difficult to simply write about them - without emptying my bank account and sending my cholesterol through the roof. Thus, if you look back at old posts there really hasn't been much of a focus or direction, it's been largely based on my preferences for the week etc.
So I'm thinking about changing the direction of the blog and would like people's feedback. I'm considering moving more to a blog about how to cook and eat your way through your 20's. It would likely delve into how to self-teach cooking (as I have), how to master easy recipes (and maybe some daunting ones too), shortcuts for how to make dishes that are versatile and last for a while etc etc, and then also how to eat out on a budget. I'm not an expert here but I have been living this for a while now and I've learned some pretty useful ways (plus I'm continuing to learn every day). I'd likely still try to keep focused on red meat foods (because, well, they're my favorite) although meat isn't necessarily the cheapest items in the food store.
Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions on this and any other potential avenues you think that would be good to explore.